Each year, over 1 billion dollars in tree damage is caused by winter storms in the U.S. alone. The freezing temperatures are alone enough to kill them. Frequent heavy snow storms lead to buildup of ice all around, thereby damaging the tree. Eventually, your tree becomes vulnerable as its branches, and twigs break off and destabilize. It is important to address these challenges by adopting proper tree care practices to make trees thrive when spring arrives. This guide is all about how to prepare your trees for harsh winter weather. We will let you know some secret techniques like pruning, mulching and protecting them in the long go.
Why Winter Weather Can Be Tough on Trees
The Impact of Cold Temperatures
Cold temperatures hinder the metabolic process that occurs in trees. As the temperatures lessen, frost cracks form, which break the bark. If you have maples, birches or any other thin-branched trees, know that such conditions can cause damage to the vascular tissue by freezing the sap within the tree.A widespread problem that trees encounter is the solidifying of their roots. This hinders the normal method of nutrient absorption, making survival harder for trees as spring arrives.
Winter Storms and Snow Load
Another abiotic stress that damages trees is snow and ice accumulation. During snow storms, the snow accumulates on the branches. These snow-laden branches then break or snap off completely. Conifer trees are the most affected in such climate conditions as they have needle-like leaves that can carry snow. Moreover, heavy ice storms can also weigh down branches and crack them. If you are located in such areas where winters are most common, prepare your trees to carry extra weight.
Soil Freeze and Root Damage
Frozen soil is one of the most insidious threats to tree health; with frozen ground, trees are unable to penetrate the soil for supplies of nutrients and water. Even evergreens that maintain foliage throughout the season face difficulties to acess nutrients from frozen. Root damage also becomes a concern as the frozen soils make the root suffocate, ultimately making the tree unable to thrive again when summers arrive.
How to Prepare Your Trees for Harsh Winter Weather
Prune Trees Before Winter Sets In
One technique that does wonders for your tree is pruning. It not only protects your tree from winter damage but also promotes healthy growth. Through pruning, arborists get rid of weakened or dead branches that can break off during snowstorms or due to accumulation of ice. To make your greens more resilient to winter weather experts recommend during late fall or right before the winter season kicks in.
Always prune correctly, making precise cuts that do not damage the tree. Plus, use sharps tools to avoid any damage to your trees.
Mulching Around the Base of Your Trees
Roots are the foundation of our trees. These need to be protected from being frozen in winter so our trees can survive the dire conditions. This calls for the mulching technique. It helps to maintain the soil temperature when applied. It insulates the earth, safeguarding roots from the effects of solidifying, and also offering access to needed moisture.
To perform this action, property owners have the option to utilize shredded bark or straw. You can apply it in late fall before the ground starts to collapse but make sure you do not pile it too much against the trunk, leading to pest infestations. Layers of 3-4 inches are usually sufficient.
Watering Before the Ground Freezes
Before the chilly seasons kick in, it is essential that you water your trees. Through proper hydration of the roots one can ensure that the roots get unlimited access to nutrients during temperature extremes. If the tree becomes too dry during winter, it will lead to desiccation, damaging branches and leaves. So, always water before frost occurs. Water deeply 12-18 inches in the soil and frequently to get the best results.
Wrap Young Trees for Extra Protection
Wrapping young trees with burlap or other protective materials helps to protect trees and save them from frost cracks. Young trees and saplings can be saved from severe damage from sunscald and heavy snowfalls. Just wrap it carefully with tree wraps or tree guards so it is not tight and constricted, allowing your tree to breathe.
Protect Trees from Snow and Ice Buildup
For areas that face ice storms on a regular basis, it is important to secure their greens before snow and ice buildup cause irreparable damage to the tree’s structure. Brooms or soft tools can be used to remove snow from the branches. Moreover, protective netting or burlap is a user-friendly method to prevent snow from accumulating and prevent structural damage.
Choosing the Right Tree Species for Winter
Whenever you plant new trees, always consider their winter hardiness to make a rough estimate of how much your tree can function normally in winter. Hardiness zones help tell how much survival a tree can expect during cold weather. Deciduous trees such as oaks or maples lose leaves during the winter and may need extra care; otherwise, evergreens keep their needles and are more spunky in the winter climates.
Some tree species are naturally more tolerant of the cold. They can withstand winter stresses without much interference. Native trees tend to be much more adaptable to your local climate and are thus your best chance for surviving winter weather. For example, pines, spruces, and cedars are generally more tolerant of cold conditions than their non-native counterparts.
If you are thinking of planting non-native trees, just be sure to check their USDA Hardiness Zone and see how they will withstand the winter in your area.
Common Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing Trees for Winter
Pruning is essential for our tree but it doesn’t mean that you over prune them. Your trees are more vulnerable to winter injury if you prune more than necessary. Only remove dead or diseased branches and try to avoid excessive cuts that could harm the tree.
Improper Mulching
An optimal amount of mulch should be applied. Too much mulch or too little can harm the tree by causing root rot. This happens when the roots do not receive sufficient amounts of oxygen. Similarly, insufficient mulch does not give good results. It may fail to protect the roots from cold. So, always apply 3-4 inches and observe regularly so that it does not shift from its position.
Wrapping Trees Too Early
Tree wraps prevent trees from freezing. But if one wraps too early it can trap the moisture and promote pest infestations and growth of fungi. You can wait for the actual cold to arrive and then wrap it up to prevent these issues.
To sum it up, preparing trees for winter is important to understand to maintain their longevity. You can make your trees thrive by pruning, mulching, and watering properly. Wrapping also adds a layer of protection by preventing the snow to accumulate on your trees. Your trees will endure winter intricately and come out strong in the spring with these few simple but very crucial steps. If you are unsure yet, you can seek the help of a reputable company such as NYC Tree Trimming Removal Corp.