
NYC Blog

How to Kill a Tree Stump

Are you grappling with stubborn tree stumps cluttering your yard? Wondering how to bid farewell to these unwanted remnants effectively? In this guide, we delve…

Crepe Myrtle Diseases: Prevention and Treatment Strategies

Crepe myrtles, with vibrant summer blooms and stunning bark, are beloved additions to landscapes across the South and increasingly up the East Coast. However, they…

Thundercloud Plum Tree: Planting and Maintenance Guide

Are you looking for a small, stunning tree that adds year-round beauty to your NYC landscape? The Thundercloud Plum tree, with its vibrant purple foliage…

Planting and Care Tips for a Vibrant Urban Garden

NYC might be a concrete jungle, but don’t let that stop you from cultivating a thriving garden! With some creativity and know-how, you can turn…

Hydrangea trees, care in Manhattan

While hydrangea trees offer manageable size and captivating blooms for urban landscapes, they still need proper care to thrive.  Here’s what NYC homeowners need to…

Dealing With Termite Holes In Tree

Termites are silent destroyers, and discovering termite holes in a tree can be unsettling for any NYC property owner. While subterranean termites are the most…

Leaning Trees & How To Deal With Them

Have you noticed a tree in your Manhattan neighborhood slowly but steadily tilting more than it used to? Leans can be unsettling, but not every…

Little Gem Magnolia: A Perfect Tree for NYC Spaces

If you’ve ever dreamed of the elegance of a Southern Magnolia but found its size intimidating, the Little Gem Magnolia could be your perfect solution!…

Easiest way to clean up stump grindings

While tree removal is sometimes necessary, the aftermath of a large stump isn’t the most beautiful sight. At NYC Tree Trimming & Removal Corp, we…

Maple Tree Leaves

With their dazzling fall foliage and graceful forms, maple trees hold a special place in the hearts of many. If you’re looking to add the…

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